Direct Appeal
The Direct Appeal is the primary fundraiser of the Midvale-Lincoln School Community Organization (SCO). By directly appealing to our community we can avoid the candy bar and magazine sales, and you can feel good about knowing ALL of your money is going directly where it is needed most.
All contributions are tax deductible. For your records, our tax identification number is 26 – 4052664.
Other easy ways to support our students:
Bucky BooksBuying a Bucky Book is a great way to save money on products and services, and to support your Midvale-Lincoln Community. A portion of the proceeds goes directly to the Midvale Lincoln SCO General Fund to help support Midvale-Lincoln students, staff, and families.
Support Our Teachers Wish ListsIn addition to the Donor Choose Projects above our Midvale - Lincoln Teachers have created wish lists to share items they may need for their classrooms. If you would prefer you can directly support our teachers by purchasing off their wish lists.
Amazon SmileShop at AmazonSmile and choose Midvale-Lincoln PTO. A percentage of all proceeds will go to our SCO.
Past SCO Funded ProjectsField trips to Aldo Leopold Nature Center, cooperative games and fine motor activity supplies for classrooms, a visit from Cycropia Aerial Dance, a bench for the Outdoor Wellness Path, funding for ongoing Great Wisconsin Birdathon project, support of Mosaic Human Sundial along Lincoln's Outdoor Path, classroom Hmong costumes, student-produced imovie projects, multiple copies of the titles nominated for the Jane Addams Peace Association Book Awards, the Lincoln After-school Basketball Program