The money raised by the PTO goes directly back to our classrooms to boost supplies and special projects including field trips, book collections and visiting artists.
March 2020 - At this time, we are currently accepting donations specifically to help families who will be most affected by the COVID 19 crisis. For more information about this Relief to Educational Barriers Fund, please visit our home page.
You can donate at any time using a credit card or paypal
March 2020 - At this time, we are currently accepting donations specifically to help families who will be most affected by the COVID 19 crisis. For more information about this Relief to Educational Barriers Fund, please visit our home page.
You can donate at any time using a credit card or paypal
Or you can send a check to:
Midvale Lincoln PTO
502 Caromar, Madison, WI 53711
All contributions are tax deductible. For your records, our tax identification number is 26 – 4052664.
Midvale Lincoln PTO
502 Caromar, Madison, WI 53711
All contributions are tax deductible. For your records, our tax identification number is 26 – 4052664.
Supply Donations
Art Supplies
Donations of any recyclables are welcome in the art classrooms for various projects. They will take items such as: boxes, newspapers, egg cartons, yogurt cups, coffee tins. Contact Gwen Kong at Lincoln or Mary Lau at Midvale.
Donations of any recyclables are welcome in the art classrooms for various projects. They will take items such as: boxes, newspapers, egg cartons, yogurt cups, coffee tins. Contact Gwen Kong at Lincoln or Mary Lau at Midvale.
Save your recyclables
Check this current list of needs before you get rid of your recyclables. Many staff members are looking for donations!
Check this current list of needs before you get rid of your recyclables. Many staff members are looking for donations!
Buy a Bucky Book

It's that time of year again - Bucky Books are for sale! Buy a book from ML PTO and you will help support the students and teachers at our schools. Pay $35 for your Bucky Book and get your money back in no time with all these deals.
- Groceries! Nearly $200 savings at Hy-Vee and Woodman's plus manufacturer's coupons
- Dining, fast food, and pizza! Over $3000 in savings at over 125 local restaurants
- Golf! $3000 in 2 for 1 golf that is valid through next year
- Entertainment! $600 in savings on family fun around here and the Dells
- Bowling! Over $250 in savings
- So much more! Car washes, UW sports tickets, pet services, home services, etc
To order a book online, please fill out this form.
Find the nearest Midvale-Lincoln bus stop on the map.
Where does the bus pick up my child and at what time? Find out with this map of Midvale and Lincoln bus stops. Click a bus stop to see what time the bus will arrive.
Volunteers Needed!
PTO Fundraiser at the Original Pancake House
December 16, 2019
Please volunteer to help make the annual PTO dinner fundraiser at Original Pancake House a success! Sign up here for a shift...and invite your friends to join you. We have fun!
Por favor ofrece su tiempo en la cena anual en Original Pancake House para recaudar fondos para la PTO. Apúntese aquí para un turno...e inviten sus amigos también. ¡Es divertido!
November 21
Teacher Appreciation Potluck
Comida para la Apreciación de Profesores's show the Midvale-Lincoln teachers and staff how much we appreciate them by feeding them on their busy conference day, Thursday, November 21. Please sign up here to bring goodies to one (or both!) schools. Food can be dropped off 8:30am-4:00pm at the school offices, where you will likely be directed to the teachers' lounge. Please remember to label your dishes and utensils and pick them up the next day.
In the event you would rather donate money, the PTO will use the donated funds to buy food for this event. Simply donate (please put Teacher Appreciation in the notes), or drop off a check at either school. All monetary donations need to be received by Monday, November 18. |
Mostrémosles a la/os maestra/os y personal cuanto les agradecemos, dándoles comida durante su ocupado día de conferencias el jueves 21 de Noviembre. Favor de registrarse para traer golosinas a una escuela (o a las dos!) Se puede entregar la comida 8:30-4:00 en la oficina, o probablemente le darán instrucciones para entregarlas en la sala de descanso de la/os maestra/os. Favor de recordar de poner su nombre en los platos y utensilios, y de recogerlos en el día siguiente.
Si prefiere darnos dinero para apoyar a este evento, la organización usará cualquier donación para comprarles comida a la/os maestro/as. Simplemente vaya a el sitio web (favor de escribir "Teacher Appreciation" en las notas), o se puede escribir un cheque y traerlo a la escuela. Recibiremos las donaciones hasta el Lunes 18 de Noviembre. |
A More Welcoming School: What Parents (and Kids) Can Do
Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019
6:00-8:00pm Lincoln Elementary School Library El jueves 14 de noviembre De 6:00-8:00 pm En la biblioteca de la escuela Lincoln Please RSVP
We ask people to RSVP. To do so, please fill out this form: For questions, contact Sue Robinson at [email protected]. |
The Midvale-Lincoln PTO invites you to continue our community conversations around issues of race and equity in our schools. This event will feature a panel of administrators, teachers, parents, and community leaders discussing how parents of all colors can help their schools create a welcoming environment for all students. Topics to be discussed will range from social segregation prevention to parents' experiences of unwelcoming environments to what parents can do outside of school time to make in-school time as positive as possible.
This will also be a chance to provide feedback about experiences. We will also explore what has worked well in other spaces. We see this as being a community conversation and brainstorming event so that we can all contribute to a more inclusive experience for our kids. We will offer childcare (for those 3+), dinner, transportation, translation from Spanish, etc. |
Family Movie Night and Craft at Lincoln
Noche de cine familiar y manualidades en la escuela Lincoln
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019
6:00-8:30pm (Movie will start at 6:30.) Lincoln Elementary School Gym El jueves 24 de octubre De 6:00-8:30 pm (la película empezará a las 6:30pm) En el gimnasio de la escuela Lincoln |
Bring your family, your own blanket (or chairs) and join us for a showing of Disney – Pixar’s Toy Story 4. We will provide popcorn. You’re welcome to bring your own snacks too.
Arrive by 6:00 to set up your blanket and make a movie-related craft - Sporky! The movie will start at 6:30. Please enter the doors by the main office. los invitamos a ver la película de Disney-Pixar “Toy Story 4”. Por favor traigan una cobija/manta/frazada (o sillas). Tendremos canchita/palomitas de maíz. Pero si gustan pueden traer su propia comida. Lleguen a las 6:00pm para preparar su manta y hacer una manualidad relacionada con la película - “Sporky!”. La película empezará a las 6:30. Por favor utilicen la puerta principal. |

Special thanks to our Family Movie Night Sponsor:
Un agradecimiento especial por esta noche de cine familiar a nuestros auspiciadores del grupo de bienes raíces: Emilie and Jesse Sondel, Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic.
Un agradecimiento especial por esta noche de cine familiar a nuestros auspiciadores del grupo de bienes raíces: Emilie and Jesse Sondel, Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic.